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MineralsMetals & Alloys
Tinplate is a thin steel sheet coated with tin metal. It is the most sustainable and versatilepackaging material. It is made by hot rolling and cold rolling of steel strips; removing rust by pickling it in acid and thencoating it with tin in an electrolytic process. Tinplate packaging has an aesthetic and a visually distinct appeal, creating opportunities forattractive branding, It also offers unparalleled premium packaging look, Once the steel is coatedwith tin, the tinplate can be coated with polymer, lacquered and printed, making it safe, functionaand appealing, all at the same time Tinplate is the most preferred packaging material, for both food products such as edible oil, andbeverages, and non-food packaging applications such as paints, aerosols, chemicals. The parameters of tinplate coil like length,width(600mm-900mm),thickness(0.135mm-0.5mm)can be processed as per client's request.
Single element fertilizers are those which supply only one primary plant nutrient,namely nitrogen or phosphorus or potassium.Each of the primary plant nutrients can be supplied separately using single-nutrientfertilizer materials, and give just as good a crop response as when applied in mixedfertilizers. Nitrogen promotes rapid growth. Phosphorus stimulates early root growth.Potassium increases the stalk and straw strength.
5-Continent phosphorus co, Itd stated it's journey on January 30, 2004headquartered in Chengdu, China. The company now has a total of 14 branches and subsidiaries at home and abroad, nearly 100 employees. Thecompany has become China's customs export leading index enterprises.Since the establishment of the feed department in 2014, the feed additiveexport business of 5-Continent has been growing steadily, and the annualexport capacity of mineral salt has reached 50,000 tons. Even in 2020, whenthe whole world is affected by COVID-19 and the export environment is harshthe sales of our company also had grown by 16%.We deeply develop the market of South Asia and Southeast Asia. At present,we have established long-term trade contacts with Philippines, Vietnam,Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and other countries. Middle East, AfricaSouth America and other countries and regions have gradually establishedcooperative partnerships. We have been deeply involved in and witnessed thegrowth of livestock, poultry and aquaculture industries and feed industriesaround the world. Our feed additives are divided into mineral salt, amino acid, vitamin, animalprotein powder 4 kinds , each kind is with various products and rich innutrients. 5-Continent adheres to quality and safety policies, strictly controlsfeed procurement, and is committed to building a world-class supplier ofhealthy and safe feed additives.
A mineral is typically an inorganic substance that has a specific chemical compositionand crystal structure. The minerals are valuable in their pure form, but in the earth they aremixed with other, unwanted rocks and minerals. This mix of rock and minerals is usuallycarried away from the mine together, then later processed and refined to isolate the desiredmineral. Mining is an industrial activity that removes rock from the Earth's crust and processes it tovaluable minerals for us to use. Some examples of substances that are mined include coa.gold, or iron ore. We need mineral resources to make many of the things we use in our dailylives, from toothpaste to buildings, computers to cars. The two major categories of modern mining include surface mining and underground mininaIn surface mining, the ground is blasted so that ores near Earth’s surface can be removedand carried to refineries to extract the minerals. In underground mining, ores are removedfrom deep within the earth, Miners blast tunnels into the rock to reach the ore deposits
building material
uPVC stands for Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride. It is a form of plastic that is quite hard andinflexible. It is because of this quality that upVC is also known as rigid pVC. The wordunplasticised' simply means that no additives or plasticizers are added during themanufacturing process UPVC offers a lot of benefits. The UPVC material offers insulation against rain, is recyclable,offers UV protection, sound insulation, resistant to saltwater, and impact resistance, and hasseveral other commercial applications. UPVC is today used in multiple applications like making of doors and windows, and plumbing
The process of conversion of natural and man-made textile fibers is according toend uses and attractive qualities as per the need of customers who involving theuses of a large number of organic and inorganic chemicals known as textilechemicals. Dyeing as well as printing of fabrics are usually carried before the application ofother finishes to the product. It provides colour to fabric and also improves theappearance of it. The product is then converted from woven to knitted clothknown as finishing. Finishing is specifically carried after dyeing or printing to givea specific look
Phosphorus is an essential element for all forms of life. There are variousallotropic forms of phosphorus but only two forms have commercialsignificance - yellow and red phosphorus - and yellow phosphorus is the mostcommercially important, accounting for 99% of demand worldwide.Elemental phosphorus is only required for the production of a limited numberof chemicals and most phosphorus consumed worldwide is consumed in theform of phosphates.
Making leather is a lengthy and technical process that has to be followed with precision andcare in order for the process to produce a high-quality leather with the same finish eachtime. The process will start with an animal hide and by the end of the journey there will be apiece of leather ready to be transformed into a bag, clothing or any other leather product Leather has good hydrothermal stability, good mechanical properties, and its resistance tochemical and biological degradation helps it to be used in various applications ,such asmaking of handbags, belts, clothing, small accessories and shoes, furniture, interiordecoration. Leather can be made from the hide of almost any animal including pigs, sheep, goats andcrocodiles. However, the most common hide used is that from a cow, a by-product of themeat and dairy industries. When a hide is prepared, the second stage in the leather-making process is called tanningand will convert the hides into leather through preserving the material and haltingdecomposition. Tanning hide into leather involves a process which permanently alters the protein structureof skin, making it more durable and less susceptible to decomposition, and also possiblycoloring it.

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